Thursday, 14 March 2013

Part 5: The Legend Of Zelda - NES

I went to a cave with an old woman in it next and gave her the parchment. She
now has potions to buy. I also went and collected a heap of money so I could get
the blue ring. Under one of the statues near the top left corner of the lake
there was a secret shop. I also found a power bracelet under a different statue,
after crossing the river. This lets you push some rocks around.

With these power ups and stuff, I went to the fifth dungeon. Going up then left
I came across a guy who said that "Digdogger hates certain kind of sound". After
searching around for a while, and finding that there were dead ends where there
was supposed to be more rooms, I found that you could blow up some walls. I
found one secret place in the bottom left corner, which took me to the top area.
Once I found that, I came across another secret room and found the flute. Once
I'd gotten back and into the boss room, I used the flute, which made Digdogger
shrink, then eventually beat him, so I could collect the container heart and
the Tri-Force piece.

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