Thursday, 14 March 2013

Part 6: The Legend Of Zelda - NES

At this point, I had enough hearts to be able to get the last sword. In the
graveyard under one of the gravestones had a secret cave. After this I went to
the sixth dungeon

Going right, I found a guy that said "Aim for the eyes of Gohma". Then I
continued to the left. Going up I found another dragon to kill and after that I
was able to find a secret passage with a magic wand. There was also another man
that said "There are secrets where fairies don't live". After searching around
and being killed heaps of times, I was able to find the other secret passage
which led towards the boss Gohma. Taking the advice of the old man, I pulled out
my trusty arrows and shot him in the eye, when they eventually opened. I then
grabbed the Tri-Force piece and left.

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