Thursday 14 March 2013

Part 7: The Legend Of Zelda - NES

The next dungeon was under the lake with no fairy. Playing the flute made it
appear. I found a guy who said "There's a secret in the tip of the nose". After
exploring all I could the level seemed rather small, so I tried blowing up a
wall. I kept moving along and had to fight 3 Dodongo's, then wnet into a room
where the man sold me more bomb capacity. Eventually I got to a room with a
monster. I handed him the meat I had bought and he moved aside. This led me to
a room with a staircase in which I had to fight some of the worst enemies in the
game to get to a red candle. Later on I was able to find another Digdogger, and
after that, more Dodonga's. Once through that room, I found a secret passage to
the final section, which led to the boss, which was another dragon. Grabbing the
Tri-Force, I left this dungeon, and set out for the next one.

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